We have been learning about planets.
I wrote a report on Neptune.
Neptune is a planet. It is the furthest planet and is the 8th planet away from the sun.
Neptune is 4,498,000,000km from the sun. It is nearly impossible to see even through a powerful telescope.
From far away Neptune looks blue.
Neptune has rings and it has 14 moons. Neptune’s moon names are
- Triton
- Laomedeia
- S/2004N1
- Nereid
- Halimede
- Proteus
- Despina
- Psamathe
- Sao
- Larissa
- Galatea
- Naiad
- Thalassa
- Neso
Neptune is extremely cold. Neptune is the windiest planet. It has winds 2000 km an hour. Neptune is a gas planet. It is a bit like a frozen coke on the surface.
It takes Neptune 165 Earth years to orbit the sun. A day on Neptune is 16 hours and 6 minutes. Earth’s days are longer than days on Neptune and are 24hrs.
Neptune was discovered in 1846 by an astronomer called Johann Galle.
Some day you might be lucky to go to Neptune and see all of its 14 moons. Hopefully, you won’t die from the freezing cold or be blown away in the forceful winds!