Wednesday, 8 November 2017


We have been learning about planets.
I wrote a report on Neptune.

Neptune is a planet. It is the furthest planet and is the 8th planet away from the sun.   
Neptune is 4,498,000,000km from the sun. It is nearly impossible to see even through a powerful telescope.

From far away Neptune looks blue.
Neptune has rings and it has  14 moons. Neptune’s moon names are
  1. Triton
  2. Laomedeia
  3. S/2004N1
  4. Nereid
  5. Halimede
  6. Proteus
  7. Despina
  8. Psamathe
  9. Sao
  10. Larissa
  11. Galatea
  12. Naiad
  13. Thalassa
  14. Neso
Neptune is extremely cold. Neptune is the windiest planet.  It has winds 2000 km an hour. Neptune is a gas planet.  It is a bit like a frozen coke on the surface.

It takes Neptune 165 Earth years to orbit the sun. A day on Neptune is 16 hours and 6 minutes.  Earth’s days are longer than days on Neptune and are 24hrs.

Neptune was discovered in 1846 by an astronomer called Johann Galle.

Some day you might be lucky to go to Neptune and see all of its 14 moons. Hopefully, you won’t die from the freezing cold or be blown away in the forceful winds!

Image result for neptune

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Do you know where fruit comes from?

Some fruit grows  on trees  like apples  and oranges. 
Some fruit grows on vines.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Wearable Arts

This term we we have been doing wearable arts.  My group has 2 people, Royden and Belinda.  My festival is Christmas.  I chose Christmas because I like Christmas.  My Christmas outfit is made out of old t-shirts and it's called Christmas T.  It took  lots of team work and effort to make the costume.  First we ripped the t-shirts into strips.  We used hot glue to stick it together.  It was my first time using a glue gun, I was a wee bit scared because things could go wrong like touching the hot glue.  When I was stretching to put a strip on, I accidentally touched the hot glue, but it turned out that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
The stapler was stapling, it seemed like it was going to work, but when the material stretched the staples came off.  We made decorations for my tree, out of balloons and string, but it didn't turn out right, so I made decorations a different way. We made decorations out of felt and put string to tie it on.  We used old tissue boxes as my present shoes.  We wrapped them with wrapping paper and put bows on them and elastic to hold them on.  We made a Christmas star for the top of the tree, we made a headband for the star so it could stay on.
Next time balloons are a big no no because now we know they wont work with thick string, if we were using balloons again we would get better string. I liked making my Christmas T costume and its almost the big night! The final touches will be revealed on the big night!

Thursday, 27 July 2017

This week in maths I have learnt that there's a 50/50 chance to get a heads or a tails which is even. But when we tossed the coin 10 times we got 8 heads and 2 tails so it wasn't certain to get half heads and half tails.

Origami Heart

We had to get a red piece of paper and folded the paper into the shape of a heart.  It's called origami.  It was a little bit tricky to old.  I think I followed the instructions perfectly.  I would like to do some more origami and make a person like Ronald Mc Donald.

Friday, 30 June 2017


I am in the GreyMain School production History Rocks and it is exciting.The show is on Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday.Dancing Queen is my favourite song because I like the words to the music.It is $5 for a ticket if you would like to come.Please come along and sing with us!

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Sausages and fruit and vegetable drink

This whece I made same yummy jouse of frout and tiny soises to they cooked for 4 mines on touseday  and it was fun fun fun FUN.  I learnt how to peel the ORANGES!!

Reflection and Translation

Translation  is when shapes are the same size always but moved to a different spot. 

Reflection is like looking in to a pond  or a mirror. In this reflection up goes down ,and down goes up. 


Monday, 12 June 2017

Hanmer Springs Camp

Class camp.

Last week we went on camp to Hanmer Springs.  We stopped at Reefton on the way there for lunch.  We checked the cabins at Hanmer Springs then we did orienteering.
We all had maps to show the way through the bush and we had to find white pipes with numbers and letters that looked like birds.  After we collect them we get points.  I got 200 points.

At night we went to the hot pools in town. It was freezing cold at night.  Mr B helped carry the floatie up the the stairs to the hydroslide.  There were 67 stairs.  In the hydroslide it was more like a dark cave.  I loved it. I wanted to go again because it was so exciting.  The first half was dark and the second half was all bright and we were sucked in backwards back to the start.  My feet were stuck in the side of the wall, Belinda laughed at the sight and i didnt find it funny. L
There was a moving water pool called the lazy pool. To get there the very cold bricks were very hard to cross. The water was dragging me around.
 They have a kids pool.  In the kids pool there was a funny wet water bucket. We counted down from 5 to 1 and the water bucket tipped over and got my head all wet, it felt like a shower. I went into the water cave, I imagined that it was a castle, and I was a scary wizard of rain.
At camp I stayed in a room with mum and Belinda was in L6.  One night for tea we had sausages and rice.  The saisages were my favourite part of the meal but I tried the rice anyway.
I went to a fun park to try my new scooter out.  We found some exciting exercise rides to try out, one looks like a see saw.  That was my favourite exercise ride.  My favourite parts were 1 my i pad  2 the hydroslide, 3 sleeping in mums room together in the same room.
I would like to go to the hot pools again and again and again.  I liked Hanmer Springs, you should try it one day for camp.  You can see the sights if you wish, even the fun hydroslide ride and the lazy pool.  Have fun!!!

Thursday, 8 June 2017

4 and 3 x tables

This week I have been learning my 4 and 3 times tables.  We have been counting in 4's to help.  I have a new maths game called maths loops times tables.  The numbers and signs are on bubbles so that I can see them better.  It is excellent.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Macaroni & Cheese


Macaroni & Cheese & Orange Juice
First we got got the ingredients we need from the supermarket, 1 kilo of oranges was 5
oranges and a mac and cheese packet. Belinda thought of twisting the oranges and I thought of squeezing with IMG_5421[1].JPG

IMG_5442[1].JPGIMG_5428[1].JPGour hands. After we made the juice, we started making the mac & cheese. The hard bit was opening the packets.  Then we put our mac & cheese in the microwave to cook for 4 minutes.  It was very HOT when it came out. We took it out of the microwave and stirred in the cheese mix. We shared the delicious meal with Autumn, Ben and Abby, BUT,,,the problem was, by the time we shared it, it was IMG_5432[1].JPGCOLD!  But next time we will keep it warm.  I  enjoyed everything. And now we can come to the worst part of IMG_5439[1].JPGthe job, doing the dishes, I’m not used to it but I did it anyway.  IMG_5442[1].JPG

Friday, 12 May 2017

Book Character Day

IMG_5415[1].JPGToday Grey Main School had Book Character day.  Everyone dressed up as a book character from books.  Can you guess who I was?

Friday, 5 May 2017


We are planing on going shopping and cooking on Tuesdays.
We are making a recipe book with all my favourite recipes.
First we made a checklist.

Then we thought of some meals to make.

We took an educated guess at how much our shopping will be so we know how much money to bring.   We made a proper guess and meal 1 came to 21 dollars and 98 cents. We decided to take more money so that we have enough to spend.  So we are going to take 25 dollars.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Shopping Partners
First stop we went to post a letter on the way to get milk.
The letter blew away in the wind down the street and Belinda ran after it. We were going to get a 2 lt
bottle, but we did not have enough money. The 2lt bottle of milk cost $5.50 and the 1lt cost $3.50.  We only had $5.00 to spend so we had to put the big bottle back and get out the small bottle.
We gave the shop keeper our $5.00 and we got some change back.  $5.00 take away $3.50 equals $1.50 back.  Belinda also gave me an early Easter present. 

.  .
I carried back a heavy bag that was tricky to carry and my cane as well. I had fun 

We found the letter box

Posting a letter

Opps the wind got the letter

Getting the milk out
Getting the change back

Carrying my cane and the shopping bag

Putting the milk away

Friday, 31 March 2017



I helped Mum bake the cup cakes. I made 6 cup cakes.
1) LION - Has a yellow face with chocolate icing for his maine and has liquorice for his whiskers.
2) CHICKEN - yellow icing for his face/feathers and a red lolly for his beak.
3) WINTER CUP CAKE - The marshmellows are the mountains, the white icing is the snow and snow flakes show people that its really cold.
4) PIG - Has pink icing for his skin, delicious fluffy marshmellows for his ears and big nose and a yummy chocolate mouth.
5) GARDEN - The green icing is the grass and the flowers are the beautiful garden.
6) BFG - Creamy icing for his skin, liquorice all sorts for his frightening eyes, pointy liquorice for his nose, flluffy marshmellows for his ears, fake teeth for his friendly smile and chocolate chips for his spikey, messy hair.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Raining Horse Fun

 This ia a hoof pick. It cleans the horses hoof like a tooth pick.

We are in the horses stable neighhhh!!
This is me going down a hay hill and it was so funny and silly.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Times Tables

This is a times tables chart that I am making.  So this is showing the times tables I know so far and soon I’ll know some more.  I have just learnt my 3 x tables and I can see them ticked off on the board.

Friday, 24 February 2017

I got tricked!

Today I got a phone call from Mrs O looking for someone not in my class.  I had a problem, I had to ring Mr Wood's class and he started annoying me.  He was trying to order food from the fish and chip shop, and then he thought I was his Mum.  He was very confusing.

Scooter ride

I’m proud of entering in the scooter competition.  It was my first time on a scooter and I did awesome.  I won skittles for riding the scooter so well.  I enjoyed it and I found it fun.  I’m hoping to do it more often. I was so excited to do it for my first time.

My 3 x tables

I’m learning to do my 3 x tables.  3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36 like a number song.  We sing it over and over and over again.  I was practicing my 3 x tables with a number game on my Ipad.

Writing my 5's

This week I learnt how to write 5’s so everyone can read them. I tell myself to go left, then go down, then bump.  
Next I’m practicing to do 9’s so everyone can read them.