The Cat and The Mouse
Storybook by Royden Giles, typed by Belinda Johnson.
Jerry was a 2 year old mouse. He was small like an ant with big ears, and was annoying Tom. “Ha, ha, ha, you can’t get me” he said. Tom who was 6 years old and a grey cat as big as a giraffe, did not like Jerry teasing him. So he thought of a plan, to eat that golden mouse all up. “YOU’RE MY DINNER, yelled Tom.
Tom chased Jerry and ran ran ran around the lake in the spooky forest. Tom grabbed Jerry with his sharp claws and squeezed him hard. “Yaaahhh, don’t eat me!” said Jerry. Jerry saw Tom’s yellow scary eyes.
All of a sudden, Tom bit Jerry’s ear off with his hungry mouth. “TIME’S UP,” he shouted.
Just then, a giant man named Royden came out with a cannon and BOOM! he saved Jerry.
Jerry learnt never to tease poor Tom the cat ever again.